Wed., Feb. 28 – Pink Shirt Day

On Wednesday, Feb 28, we ask students to wear pink shirts as a reminder to stand up against bullying.  There will also be a kindness assembly as well.

In September of 2007, two students in Nova Scotia took a stand against bullying that initiated a national, and international, movement against bullying.  A single day event is only a symbol of a commitment that we need to maintain for all 365 days of the year.

We know that bullying is something that often occurs as a part of middle school life. As students try to learn to navigate their new focus on social connections, friendships and relationships with their peers, they often make mistakes and if these mistakes and not corrected they can become a pattern of behaviour. Bullying occurs when there are repeated, power imbalances in which one student, or group of students, misuses their power over another. On February 28, and every day, we endeavour to teach and support students as they learn to meet our school expectation that they will “Speak and Act Considerately” to each other here at school.

We really hope that this will help all of our students have a context for PINK Shirt Day on Wednesday, as well as help them bring to life our school vision: At Rockheights, we use our unique strengths and challenges to build an empowered community.